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16 modules shaped by users just like you. Explore all of our solutions.

Streamline work order management

Seamless operations for your facility rentals

Eliminate the need for paper logbooks

Report and store incidents / processes

Complete control of facility inspections

Maximize project success with ease

Powerful operations management solutions

Record and report on compliance records

Record asset and maintenance records

Manage educational courses for users

Capture and track employee hours

Control and monitor hazardous substances

Ordering system for procurement supplies

Detailed fleet vehicle information

Track and record key and lockset inventory

resource allocation to enhance operations


Get inspired reading about different ways organizations manage their facilities.


Get inspired reading about different ways organizations manage their facilities.

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Maintenance & Operations

COVID-19 As A Catalyst To Automate Vacant Facility Checks

Vacant building checks aren’t something new to school board facility managers. Whether it’s closures for the summer months or Christmas or March breaks, all school ...
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Maintenance & Operations

17 Ideas To Add To Your Facility Checklist

More and more school boards are realizing that ebase Digital Logbooks module offers a perfect solution for transforming vacant facility checks from a paper trail nightmare to an ...
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